Grow to the
rhythm of life

Enter a world of joy and discovery, as Lammy and his friends teach your little ones to learn, explore and play. 

Meet the most loveable lamb in all the land

For Lammy and his best friends, Pup Pup and Bobsie, everyday moments become baa-utiful opportunities for parents and children to lean and grow together.



Meet Lammy, the most lovable lamb in all the land. For this four-year-old ball of joy, running, jumping, and even drumming on buckets is a day well spent. Sitting still and being quiet? Not for Lammy. With best friends Pup Pup and Bobsie, every day brings a new adventure filled with laughter, learning, and lots and lots of fun.

Pup Pup

Pup Pup

Here comes Pup Pup, Lammy’s best friend in the whole world. She’s four years old and loves nothing more than cuddles, dress-up, and her cosy blanket. Pup Pup is gentle and takes life slow and steady, while Lammy is a bundle of energy. You might say they are night and day, but together they are the perfect pair.



Bobsie might tell you he’s six, but really he’s four. That’s just Bobsie. He loves to tell jokes, perform magic tricks, and dig holes. For this cheeky little rabbit, mud pies are always on the menu. Whenever Bobsie’s around, get ready for a whirlwind of fun, giggles, and a healthy dose of mischief.

Mom & Dad

Mom & Dad

Meet the family’s dynamic duo. Mom, the master multitasker, is always on the move. She’s the firm, guiding voice of the family, and gives lots of warm hugs and bedtime kisses. Dad is always there when you need him. His creative ideas flow like a river, leading him on delightful (and sometimes clumsy) detours. Together, mom and dad support Lammy with unwavering patience to ensure every misstep becomes a chance to learn.



Grandma is an eccentric lamb who marches to her own tune, painting, singing, and dancing through life. With a colourful outlook, her quirky sayings often evolve into profound wisdom. Confident in her own wool, she champions individuality and new horizons. Though occasionally a step behind, her joyful energy and infectious smile paint life in vibrant hues wherever she goes.

Learn and play, the Lammy way

Join Lammy as he shows your tiny dancer how to move, groove, and let their unique spirit shine.

Learn more